Design Time

I know it’s been a good couple of beading days when my right forearm is all achy. That’s also my signal to STOP and give it a rest already! Besides, I’m at that point in a design when I’m so twisted and turned in my thoughts that I realize I probably have no perspective left. I’ll leave it overnight and look at it in the morning. I bet I’ll like it lots more in the (mid)morning when I wake up fresh.

I have quite a bit of designing to do, but the ideas are popping up like crazy in my head so my only problem is time and physical limitations. It’s a lot better than when I’m up against the design wall and my head is E M P T Y like a balloon.

I have a lot of half-finished projects around the house that are driving me nuts. The reorg of the office space – I thought I’d be done by now! Instead I haven’t even finished unpacking the Bead & Button Show boxes let alone shift the current furniture and go buy and assemble more.  I owe you guys photos of my Bead & Button loot. (But notice that this is the THIRD post this week! Go Jill!) It will all get done…eventually…and by eventually I mean I hope before I die…

There’s a lot of socializing on the immediate horizon too! So unusual for me since I turn into a total hermit when I’m at home. But Thursday is the first of several farewell parties for my dear friend and former boss, Mick McNulty, who is moving to Florida. Friday and Saturday nights are my 25th High School Reunion. Did I really type twenty-five?? Holy Cow. Sunday night one of those high school friends will be performing in Austin and I never get to hear him sing any longer so that’s a must-see. After that point, I will need to retreat to my little beading cave for solitary confinement again. It’s a necessary evil.