Catch up day in progress

Finally – a day I don’t have to leave the house (although I will go to the post office) and no urgent matters at hand other than catching up on the 3,000 urgent matters that have been pending for weeks. I’m emailing, packaging orders, organizing, doing paperwork, and if I’m lucky enough, I’ll carve out some time to work on the beading project I started at the retreat.

It’s a “just for fun” project – not my own design, but genius, just the same. Rachel Nelson Smith’s Oothaca Cuff has been singing its siren’s song to me for years, but I’ve resisted the temptation until now. It’s fun and not a little addicting to work on, so I really want to sit and bead all day until it’s finished. But that’s not in the cards right now. I’m using it to bribe myself to get all the grunt work of the day accomplished, though, so it’s useful in an unexpected way.