Miami madness

And the show hasn’t even begun!

I flew to Miami with no troubles on Wednesday night, and man do I feel lucky! Everyone I know who flew in on Thursday had delayed planes, missed connections, and all sorts of traveling mishaps. My biggest issue has been that I managed to leave my toiletries bag back at home. AARGH. Walgreens and CVS have perfected the art of building on every few blocks, however, and saved the day.

So my main mission today was simple: retrieve the boxes I shipped ahead from the hotel and lug them to the convention center that’s attached to the hotel by way of a stroll through a wholesale merchandise mart, filled with more purses and glittery faux jewelry than I’ve ever seen in one place. Get the table set up. And then bead for a few hours as there are samples I need to mail off next week that need finishing.

Got all that first part accomplished, no problem. But then it all went nutty. I had to make a run to the bank. Got caught in traffic when President Obama landed in Miami and they started closing down streets for the motorcade. I talked with friends for a while, then had to go pick up a lost and wayward traveler in from the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Rounded out the night with a great group of friends parked in the hotel lobby bar.

There’s always tomorrow for that beading….

One Response to “Miami madness”

  1. The bad Liz

    Parking in a hotel lobby bar is a great way to finish an evening with friends. I thoroughly approve! Have a great show!