K-9 Hunter – ATF

Many of my local students have had the honor of meeting Hunter, a very special dog who was part of Claire’s family. Hunter was an explosives dog for the ATF when he wasn’t busy attending bead classes with his mama, or playing with all the toys that Kathy so lovingly repaired, over and over.

Hunter was diagnosed with cancer last August, and retired from service in January. I’m so very sad to tell you guys that Hunter died Wednesday, July 8th. He was amazingly healthy -despite his treatments – up until the last few weeks. The end, when it came, came quickly for which we all can be grateful.

I’ll miss you and your big head and your doggie kisses, Mr. Hunter. You were one of a kind.

Hunter is survived by his mother, Claire, his father, Tommy, and his new sister canine, Farley. Miss Farley, you have some big ATF shoes to fill.