100th post

Blogger kindly informed me this evening that this is my 100th post since switching over to blogging on this format rather than on my website. How quickly the time has gone! I was quite worried about my dedication to blogging on this regular of a basis. Would I have anything to say? Would I quit when it got boring? Would anyone read it or would I be talking to myself?

Instead of dreading it, I find I can drum up any old random thing to talk about when necessary. I’m even sometimes amusing. I let myself go a day or three at the most before posting again – I know I’m much less likely to read a blog on a regular basis when there’s no new content for ages. The numbers of those who read it are climbing steadily higher on a monthly basis as they find it through the Tapestry Beads website, or classes, or links from my beady friends. Since beginning the blog in April, there have been visitors from 27 different countries.

One of the things I find endlessly fascinating is looking at the search terms people use to get to the blog. Many are appropriate like “bead tapestry how to” or “bead show Puget Sound.” Others are downright baffling. What on earth caused someone to search “tapestry dog suitcase” and how funny is it that my blog was where they ended up? “Stupid beads” is another favorite search that ended up here. Was someone having a bad beading day? Kelly R – that wasn’t you, was it??? And then the winner of all time – “Winnie the poo head.” What else can you say to that??

3 Responses to “100th post”

  1. Kelly R


    Congrats on your 100th blog post. However, the “stupid bead” search was NOT me. I don’t need a search to find your wonderful blog!!!!!!

  2. Tapestry Beads

    Hee hee! I knew it really wasn’t you – but I do recall some “stupid bead” comments coming out of you not so long ago! I couldn’t resist teasing you!

  3. lhappenburg

    Confession– I’m lazy and I use your blog to get to I Can Haz Cheezburger.